Ge 3:24 ...the cherubim > ...cherubims
Ge 21:33 Abraham planted a figtree > Abraham planted a grove
Ge 24:47 ...rings at her fingers and bracelets upon her hands > ...earring upon her face, and the bracelets upon her hands
Ge 25:30 of lentils > pottage
Ge 37 Joseph is taken by the Ishmaelites > Joseph is taken by the Midianites and the Ishmeelites
Ge 38:24 ...let her be stoned > ...let her be burnt
Ex 7:9 ...Thou shalt take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh > ...Then thou shalt say unto Aaron; Take thy stick, and cast it before Pharaoh
Ex 26:14 ...and a covering above of ram's skin > and a covering above of badger's skin
Ex 34:14 ...For the LORD is a jealous God > For the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God
Le 7:9 the cooking pot > the frying pan, and in the pan
Le 20:14 ...they shall be stoned > ...they shall be burnt with fire
Nu 5:17 ...water > ...holy water
Nu 11:8 Manna is eaten raw, it tastes like honey > Manna is prepared like wheat, they make bread or cakes of it, it taste like oil
Nu 22 Balaam tries to curse Israel, but cannot because of God's blessings > Balaam is a prophet, God tells him not to curse Israel despite the orders of Balak
De 10:20 ...thou shall not take his name in vain > ...and swear by his name
De 14:5 > ...the hart, the chamois
De 14:26 The dime is for the levites > The dime is sold and the money used to get drunk