If satanists are spying here: please read what follows.
Satan surely told you a lot of truth, he foretold many things that would happen. He "explained" the Bible to you.
You may be preparing to survive a major catastrophy, building your gear and training to survive the hard times that are coming.
The Elite has built seed vaults all around, underground bases, stockpiled food and needs to survive a major catastrophy. Everything has been prepared for decades. They will sell what God gave you freely.
You are all planning to enjoy earth during the coming 1000 years during which satan is in jail, and God has left with his elect church.
Well I have news for you. Satan is a liar
A day is like a thousand years with God, a thousand years like a day.
Time is not linear.
Are you ready to endure eternal hell just for one day on earth ?
Consider that.
Go back to your Creator and ask forgiveness while you can.
The will of God is that no one perishes.